Sunday, May 15, 2011
Disturbing Trends...
I think my brain is shrinking. Not because I sometimes can’t come up with my husband’s name. Or because I can’t remember for TEN seconds the oh-so-important thing I wanted to Google. Or because my math skills have been reduced to that of a seven-year-old. But when I run (not run as in jog or anything really physical. I mean more like I’m out walking the dogs and while crossing the road I recognize the car that was just puttering along a second ago is now barreling down on me like a freight train so that I have to run across the road to avoid becoming crow pickings) I think I can actually feel my brain smashing against my skull with each pounding step.
Disturbing Trends...
Okay, never did remember what I was going to add the other day but here are some disturbing eating trends that my husband, Geoff, and I have developed (I thought your sweet tooth shriveled up with everything else as you got older).
· We can't get enough pie. We ate a pie my aunt gave us, in the car, with no utensils, by time we made it to the next town, ten minutes away.
· Our friend came over to experiment with pie crust and left us with three pies (she was not happy with the crust), two of which we ate that night, with the third being eaten the next morning.
· My brother, John, came over with half a pie in hand after visiting some friends. They asked if he wanted the pie and he said no but he knew who would. They said it wasn’t a very good pie and he said it wouldn’t matter. And it didn’t. Geoff disparaged the pie while we inhaled it.
· We used to buy fat free, sugar free gelatin along with fat free whip cream in the can but we never made the gelatin fast enough to put the whip cream on because every time we walked into the kitchen, we’d open the fridge and take a hit off the can. I recently had the bright idea of buying a frozen tub of fat free whip cream figuring it would last longer. Nope. It just required the extra step of first getting a fork (which works much better than a spoon with frozen topping, just so you know) to snag a chunk of a little frozen delight.
· My sister, Mary, always likes to receive chocolate for Valentine’s Day so I always buy her some and then buy her more because we ate the first batch.
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